I've been reflecting on the last 6 months I've been on the road with this band and all the experiences I have been blessed with. It's been one of the most stretching times personally and spiritually I've ever had in my life but at the very least I can chalk it up to growth and trust that God had a reason for all of it. Despite being completely exhausted from a 20 hour drive, I went to a show last night to see some friends I don't see often and I left feeling more energized and encouraged than the the last 2 months of sleep filled travel. Maybe it was connecting with someone on a level I had really missed or the possibility of a new musical endeavor, but I left feeling certain that God had meant for me to be there and that alone was exciting.
currently listening to:
CloudDEAD - s/t
Allison Krauss and Robert Plant - Raising Sand
Ryan Adams - Follow the Lights
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